Early 19th Century and Westward Expansion

This study will cover The Early 19th Century, Thomas Jefferson, Lewis & Clark, Manifest Destiny, Westward Expansion, Pioneers, and Oregon Trail

Return to The 18th Century, American Revolution, and Early United States of America.

Thomas Jefferson

[icon name=”calendar”] TIMELINE: 1801 – Thomas Jefferson (Presidency: March 4, 1801 March 4, 1809)

[icon name=”comments-o”] CURRICULUM: America the Beautiful by Charlene Notgrass

[icon name=”book”] READ ALOUD: Thomas Jefferson: A Picture Book Biography by James Cross Goblin

[icon name=”video-camera”] VIDEO: Ken Burns: American Lives: Thomas Jefferson (PBS)

[icon name=”calendar”] TIMELINE: 1801 Jefferson was elected President by the House of Representatives. Burr became Vice President. Adams appointed John Marshall as Chief Justice.

[icon name=”calendar”] TIMELINE: John Marshall 1755-1835 A.D.

Nathaniel Bowditch

[icon name=”calendar”] TIMELINE: 1802 – Nathaniel Bowditch 1773-1838 A.D.

[icon name=”book”] READ ALOUD: Carry On, Mr. Bowditch

[icon name=”calendar”] TIMELINE: 1803 – The Supreme Court issued a decision in Marbury v. Madison which overturned the Judiciary Act of 1789.

Louisiana Purchase

Louisiana Purchase: The purchase was made.

Statehood: Ohio

[icon name=”comments-o”] CURRICULUM: Geography

[icon name=”calendar”] TIMELINE: Mar 1, 1803 Ohio, formerly the Northwest Territory, became the 17th state.

[icon name=”book”] READ ALOUD:  1803 – Cabin on Trouble Creek by Jean Van Leeuwen

1804 The Twelfth Amendment to the United States Constitution was ratified.
New Jersey abolished slavery.

The Most Famous Duel in American History

TIMELINE:  July 12, 1804 Burr–Hamilton duel: Alexander Hamilton was fatally wounded.

READ ALOUD:  Aaron and Alexander:  The Most Famous Duel in American History by Don Brown (BCL)

Lewis and Clark and Sacagawea

Click here for Lewis and Clark and Sacagawea Lesson.

Natives of the Great Plains

[icon name=”comments-o”] CURRICULUM: America the Beautiful by Charlene Notgrass
Lesson 38: Natives of the Great Plains

[icon name=”book”] READ ALOUD: The Land of Gray Wolf by Thomas Locker

[icon name=”book”] READ ALOUD: The Buffalo Are Back by Jean Craighead George

[icon name=”calendar”] TIMELINE: November 2 – December 5 U.S. presidential election, 1804:
Jefferson was reelected President, George Clinton was elected Vice President.

An American Biography: Noah Webster

[icon name=”comments-o”] CURRICULUM: America the Beautiful by Charlene Notgrass
Lesson 40: Noah Webster, Father of the American Dictionary

[icon name=”calendar”] TIMELINE: 1806 – Noah Webster 1758-1843 A.D.

[icon name=”book”] READ ALOUD: Noah Webster: Weaver of Words by Pegi Deitz Shea

[icon name=”book”] READ ALOUD: Noah Webster: Man of Many Words Hardcover by Catherine Reef

[icon name=”book”] READ ALOUD: Noah Webster and His Words Hardcover by Jeri Chase Ferris

[icon name=”smile”] JUST FOR FUN: Celebrate National Dictionary Day on October 16 by learning a new word!

[icon name=”calendar”] TIMELINE:  1807 The Embargo Act of 1807 was passed.

Robert Fulton and the Steamboat

1808 The slave trade was ended.

4th President of the United States: James Madison

[icon name=”comments-o”] CURRICULUM: America the Beautiful by Charlene Notgrass
Lesson 41: The War of 1812 and Presidents Madison, Monroe, and Adams; page 233

[icon name=”video-camera”] MOVIE: The War of 1812 by PBS

CHAPTER BOOK: Bully Boys by Eric Walters

[icon name=”calendar”] TIMELINE: November 4 – December 7 U.S. presidential election, 1808: James Madison was elected president. Clinton was reelected as Vice President. 1809 Madison was inaugurated.

James Madison 1751-1836 A.D.
The Great Little Madison by Jean Fritz

Dolley Payne Todd Madison 1768-1849 A.D.

March 1 The Non-Intercourse Act was passed.


[icon name=”comments-o”] CURRICULUM: America the Beautiful by Charlene Notgrass
Lesson 44: An American Biography: Sequoyah, Creator of the Cherokee Syllabary

[icon name=”calendar”] TIMELINE: 1809 – Sequoya c. 1770-1843 A.D.

1810 The Supreme Court issued a decision in Fletcher v. Peck which overturned a state law.

1811 The charter of the First Bank of the United States expired.

War of 1812 (1812 – 1815 AD)

[icon name=”comments-o”] CURRICULUM: America the Beautiful by Charlene Notgrass
Lesson 41: The War of 1812 and Presidents Madison, Monroe, and Adams

TIMELINE: Tecumseh 1768-1813 A.D.

READ ALOUD: Sisters of Scituate Light by (1812)

1812 Daniel Webster was elected to the United States Congress.
Daniel Webster 1782-1852 A.D.

April 30, 1812 Louisiana became the 18th state

1812 U.S. presidential election:
Madison was reelected President
Elbridge Gerry was elected United States Vice President.

1814 August 24 Burning of Washington: British troops burned Washington, D.C. but were forced back at Baltimore.

Star Spangled Banner published in the Patriot on September 20, 1814
TIMELINE: Francis Scott Key 1779-1843 A.D.

U.S. = Uncle Sam

Dec 14, 1814 War of 1812: The Treaty of Ghent ended the war.

Jan 8, 1815 War of 1812: Battle of New Orleans: The battle took place before notification of the Treaty of Ghent made it to the frontier.

5th President of the United States: James Monroe

[icon name=”comments-o”] CURRICULUM: America the Beautiful by Charlene Notgrass
Lesson 41: The War of 1812 and Presidents Madison, Monroe, and Adams; page 233

1816 U.S. presidential election, 1816: James Monroe was elected President. Daniel D. Tompkins was elected Vice President. 1817 Monroe was inaugurated.

TIMELINE: James Monroe 1758-1831 A.D.

Mammoth Cave

[icon name=”comments-o”] CURRICULUM: America the Beautiful by Charlene Notgrass
Lesson 42: God’s Wonders: God Created Mammoth Cave

The Second Bank of the United States was chartered.
Dec 11 Indiana became the 19th state.

The Rush–Bagot Treaty was signed.
Harvard Law School was founded.
Dec 10 Mississippi became the 20th state.

1818 Cumberland Road opened.
Dec 3 Illinois became the 21st state.
The Jackson Purchase in Kentucky was obtained.

1819 Panic of 1819: The panic took place.
The Adams–Onís Treaty, which provided for the acquisition of Florida, was signed.
The decision in McCulloch v. Maryland prohibited state laws from infringing upon federal Constitutional authority.
The decision in Dartmouth College v. Woodward protected the principle of honoring contracts and charters.

Statehood: Alabama

Dec 14 Alabama became the 22nd state.

Washington Irving

Click here for Washington Irving Lesson.

Missouri Compromise

[icon name=”comments-o”] CURRICULUM: America the Beautiful by Charlene Notgrass
Lesson 41: The War of 1812 and Presidents Madison, Monroe, and Adams; page 233

1820 The Missouri Compromise was passed.


March 15 Maine became the 23rd state.

U.S. presidential election, 1820: Monroe was reelected President, Tompkins Vice President.


1821 Aug 10 Missouri became the 24th state.

1823 The Monroe Doctrine was proclaimed.

1823 Alexander Twilight: Vermont’s African-American Pioneer by Michael T. Hahn

1824 The decision in Gibbons v. Ogden affirmed federal over state authority in interstate commerce.
U.S. presidential election, 1824: An election was held with inconclusive results.

6th President of the United States: John Quincy Adams

CURRICULUM: America the Beautiful by Charlene Notgrass
Lesson 41: The War of 1812 and Presidents Madison, Monroe, and Adams; page 234

READ ALOUD: Getting to Know the U.S. Presidents: John Quincy Adams: Sixth President 1825-1829 by Mike Venezia

1825 John Quincy Adams was elected President by the House of Representatives; John C. Calhoun was elected Vice President.

John Quincy Adams 1767-1848 A.D.

The Erie Canal

CURRICULUM: America the Beautiful by Charlene Notgrass
Lesson 43: An American Landmark: The Erie Canal
TIMELINE: 1825 – The Erie Canal was completed

Mountain Men

CURRICULUM: America the Beautiful by Charlene Notgrass
Lesson 45: Mountain Men of the West

TIMELINE: William Ashley

TIMELINE: John Jacob Astor 1763-1848 A.D.

TIMELINE: Jedediah Smith

TIMELINE: Etienne Provost

TIMELINE: Jim Bridger

TIMELINE: John Colter

TIMELINE: Kit Carson

TIMELINE: Seth Kinman

An American Landmark: The Gateway Arch

CURRICULUM: America the Beautiful by Charlene Notgrass
Lesson 39: The Gateway Arch in St. Louis, Missouri

1826 July 4 Former Presidents Jefferson and John Adams died within hours of each other on Independence Day

1828 Nullification Crisis: The South Carolina Exposition and Protest was published.

7th President of the United States: Andrew Jackson

CURRICULUM: America the Beautiful by Charlene Notgrass
Lesson 46: Old Hickory, First President from West of the Appalachians; page 256-258

TIMELINE: Andrew Jackson 1767-1845 A.D.

TIMELINE: U.S. presidential election, 1828: Andrew Jackson was elected President. Calhoun continued as Vice President.

TIMELINE: 1829 Jackson was inaugurated.

Railroad: Baltimore and Ohio (B & O)

CURRICULUM: America the Beautiful by Charlene Notgrass
Lesson 46: Old Hickory, First President from West of the Appalachians; page 257
Construction began on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad.

The Second Great Awakening

CURRICULUM: America the Beautiful by Charlene Notgrass
Lesson 41: The War of 1812 and Presidents Madison, Monroe, and Adams; page 235

TIMELINE: Francis Asbury 1745-1816 A.D.

TIMELINE: 1820-30 Second Great Awakening: A religious revival movement took place.

An American Biography: John Jay, President of the American Bible Society

CURRICULUM: America the Beautiful by Charlene Notgrass
Lesson 49: An American Biography: John Jay, President of the American Bible Society

1831 A revolt led by Nat Turner occurred.
Publication of The Liberator began.
Cyrus McCormick invented the reaper.
Petticoat affair: The affair took place.

1832 The Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Cherokee Nation in Worcester v. State of Georgia.
Black Hawk War: The war took place.
The Tariff of 1832 was passed.
The Ordinance of Nullification was passed by South Carolina.
The Department of Indian Affairs was established.

United States presidential election, 1832: Jackson was reelected President; Martin Van Buren was elected Vice President of the United States.

Bank War: Jackson vetoed the charter renewal of the Second Bank of the United States.
Calhoun resigned the Vice Presidency.

1833 The Force Bill, expanding Presidential powers, was passed.
Jackson’s second inauguration was held.

1834 Slavery debates took place at Lane Theological Seminary.

An American Landmark: The Texas Revolution

CURRICULUM: America the Beautiful by Charlene Notgrass
Lesson 48: An American Landmark: “Remember the Alamo!”

TIMELINE: 1835 Texas Revolution: The revolution began.

TIMELINE: 1836 Battle of the Alamo: The battle took place.

TIMELINE: Battle of San Jacinto: The battle took place.

TIMELINE: 1837 – The United States recognized the Republic of Texas.

NOTE: We stop here and learn about Texas history. Click here for the lesson on Texas History.

Alexis De Tocqueville’s Democracy in America was published.
Second Seminole War: A war began in Florida with Seminole resistance to relocation.

Creek War of 1836: The war took place.

Invention: Colt Revolver

Samuel Colt invented the revolver.

The original “Gag Rule”, a bar on discussion of antislavery petitions passed by the House, was imposed.
The Specie Circular was issued.

Statehood: Arkansas

Jun 15, 1836 Arkansas became the 25th state.
8th President of the United States: Martin Van Buren
CURRICULUM: America the Beautiful by Charlene Notgrass
Lesson 46: Old Hickory, First President from West of the Appalachians; page 259

U.S. presidential election, 1836: Van Buren was elected President, Richard Mentor Johnson Vice President. 1837 Van Buren was inaugurated.

Martin Van Buren 1782-1862 A.D.

God’s Wonders: God Created America’s Islands

CURRICULUM: America the Beautiful by Charlene Notgrass
Lesson 47: God’s Wonders: God Created America’s Islands

Caroline Affair: The affair took place.

Statehood: Michigan

Jan 26 Michigan became the 26th state.

Oberlin College began enrolling female students.
Panic of 1837: The panic took place.
A decision in Charles River Bridge v. Warren Bridge reversed a decision in Dartmouth College v. Woodward and affirmed that property rights can be overridden by public need.

Trail of Tears

CURRICULUM: America the Beautiful by Charlene Notgrass
Lesson 50: Daily Life: The Trail of Tears

TIMELINE: May 28, 1830 The Indian Removal Act was passed.

1838 The forced removal of the Cherokee Nation from the Southeastern United States along the Trail of Tears led to over four thousand Native American deaths.

TIMELINE: John Ross; Principal Chief

READ ALOUD: The Trail of Tears by Joseph Bruchac and Diana Magnuson

READ ALOUD: Soft Rain: A Story of the Cherokee Trail of Tears by Cornelia Cornelissen

READ ALOUD: The Birchbark House by Louise Erdrich

FIELD TRIP: Drive the Trail of Tears National Historic Trail

FIELD TRIP: Tahlequah, Oklahoma; Cherokee Capital

Aroostook War

Aroostook War: The war took place.


1839 – Amistad

John Quincy Adams argued the case United States v. The Amistad before the Supreme Court.
United States v. The Amistad was decided.

MOVIE: Amistad

Moby Dick

READ ALOUD: 1840 – Moby Dick

9th President of the United States: William Henry Harrison

CURRICULUM: America the Beautiful by Charlene Notgrass
Lesson 51: Tippecanoe and Tyler, Too

1840 United States presidential election, 1840: An election was held.
1841 William Henry Harrison became President.

TIMELINE: William Henry Harrison 1773-1841 A.D.

10th President of the United States: John Tyler

President Harrison died after only a month in office. This is the first tie a vice-president takes over the office.
John Tyler became President.

TIMELINE: John Tyler

1843 An attempt to impeach Tyler failed.

God’s Wonders: God Created the Mississippi River

CURRICULUM: America the Beautiful by Charlene Notgrass
Lesson 52: God’s Wonders: God Created the Mississippi River

An American Landmark: Natchez, Mississippi

CURRICULUM: America the Beautiful by Charlene Notgrass
Lesson 53: An American Landmark: Natchez, Mississippi

An American Biography: Samuel Morse

CURRICULUM: America the Beautiful by Charlene Notgrass
Lesson 55: An American Biography: Samuel Morse, Artist and Inventor

TIMELINE: Samuel Morse

1842 August 9 The Webster-Ashburton Treaty was signed.

Dorr Rebellion: A civil war took place in Rhode Island.

11th President of the United States: James Knox Polk

CURRICULUM: America the Beautiful by Charlene Notgrass
Lesson 56: James K. Polk and the Mexican War; pages 308-309, 311-312

1844 U.S. presidential election, 1844: An election was held. James K. Polk became President of the United States.

Statehood: Florida

Mar 3, 1845 Florida became the 27th state.

Statehood: Texas

1845 Texas Annexation: The annexation took place.
Dec 28, 1845 Texas became the 28th state.

Mexican-American War

CURRICULUM: America the Beautiful by Charlene Notgrass
Lesson 56: James K. Polk and the Mexican War; pages 310-311

1846 Mexican–American War: The war began.
1848 – Feb 2 Mexican–American War: The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ended the war.

Statehood: Iowa

Dec 28, 1846 Iowa became the 29th state

The Wilmot Proviso was introduced.

Statehood: Wisconsin

May 29, 1848 Wisconsin became the 30th state.

The Oregon Trail: The Great Migration and Pioneers

CURRICULUM: America the Beautiful by Charlene Notgrass
Lesson 57: Moving West on the Oregon Trail

1843-1869 – The Oregon Trail came into use by settlers migrating to the Pacific Northwest.

TIMELINE: Marcus and Narcissa Whitman; missionaries

READ ALOUD: Bound for Oregon by Jean Van Leeuwen

READ ALOUD: Covered Wagons, Bumpy Trails by Verla Kay

READ ALOUD: Rough, Tough Charley by Verla Kay

READ ALOUD: Life on the Oregon Trail (Way People Live) by Gary L. Blackwood

READ ALOUD: Mountain Born by Elizabeth Yates (Audio)

READ ALOUD: Apples to Oregon: Being the (Slightly) True Narrative of How a Brave Pioneer Father Brought Apples, Peaches, Pears, Plums, Grapes, and Cherries (and Children) Across the Plains by Deborah Hopkinson

READ ALOUD: Westward to Home: Joshua’s Oregon Trail Diary (My America Series) by Patricia Hermes
READ ALOUD: A Perfect Place: Joshua’s Oregon Trail Diary (My America Series) by Patricia Hermes
READ ALOUD: A Wild Year: Joshua’s Oregon Trail Diary (My America Series) by Patricia Hermes

READ ALOUD: Across the Wide and Lonesome Prairie: The Oregon Trail Diary of Hattie Campbell, 1847 (Dear America Series) by Kristiana Gregory

READ ALOUD: A Fourth of July on the Plains by Jean Van Leeuwen

READ ALOUD: A Frontier Fort on the Oregon Trail (Inside Story) by Scott Steedman

MOVIE: Frontier House by PBS

COOKING: Skillet Bread, Sourdough, and Vinegar Pie by Loretta Frances Ichord (BCL); Oregon Trail Pioneers and What They Ate: Chapter 1: Bacon Cornbread and Chapter 2: Skillet Bread and Dried Apple Pie

FIELD TRIP: Old Oregon Trail

MUSIC: Listen to Pioneer Music.  This site has a great list of songs and dances and games.

RESOURCE: National Historic Oregon Trail Interpretive Center Junior Pioneer Book

RECIPE: Oregon Trail Cookies

APP: The Oregon Trail

APP: The Oregon Trail: American Settler by Gameloft

RESOURCE: Hands on History: Pioneers by Scholastic

RESOURCE: History Pockets: Moving West by Evan-Moor

READ ALOUD: A Pioneer Sampler: The Daily Life of a Pioneer Family in 1840 by Barbara Greenwood

READ ALOUD: A Pioneer Story: The Daily Life of a Canadian Family in 1840 by Barbara Greenwood

READ ALOUD: Warm As Wool by Scott Russell Sanders

READ ALOUD: Papa and the Pioneer Quilt by Jean Van Leeuwen

READ ALOUD: The Floating House by Scott Russell Sanders and Helen Cogancherry

READ ALOUD: If You Traveled West In A Covered Wagon by Ellen Levine

READ ALOUD: Daily Life in a Covered Wagon by Paul Erickson (1853)

READ ALOUD: Rachel’s Journal: The Story of a Pioneer Girl by Marissa Moss

READ ALOUD: Cassie’s Journey: Going West in the 1860’s by Brett Harvey and Deborah Kogan Ray

READ ALOUD: Elsie’s Bird by Jane Yolen and David Small

READ ALOUD: A TRUE Book: Westward Expansion by Teresa Domnauer

The Smithsonian Institution

CURRICULUM: America the Beautiful by Charlene Notgrass
Lesson 58: An American Landmark: The Smithsonian Institution

TIMELINE: James Smithson

FIELD TRIP: The Smithsonian Institution

God’s Wonders: Niagara Falls

CURRICULUM: America the Beautiful by Charlene Notgrass
Lesson 59: God’s Wonders: Niagara Falls

FIELD TRIP: Niagara Falls

An American Biography: John James Audubon

CURRICULUM: America the Beautiful by Charlene Notgrass
Lesson 60: An American Biography: John James Audubon, Artist and Naturalist

TIMELINE: John James Audubon

READ ALOUD: The Boy Who Drew Birds: A Story of John James Audubon by Jacqueline Davies (I like this book.)

We flipped through the pages of these books and enjoyed the art.
Additional BOOKS:
Birds of America by John J. Audubon
This Strange Wilderness: The Life and Art of John James Audubon by Nancy Plain

This website is fantastic for learning; nature and art together…  http://www.audubon.org/birds-of-america/alphabetical.  All of John James Audubon’s birds alphabetized.  Click on a bird to learn about them, view the painting in high res with zoom, and listen to the bird’s sound.  And they allow downloading in high res if you wanted to print.

And we enhanced our new found love of bird watching by browsing through Bird-Watcher’s Bible: A Complete Treasury by Jonathan Alderfer

We had some fun sparking our imaginations with Aviary Wonders Inc.: Spring Catalog and Instruction Manual by Kate Samworth.

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Jennifer Hale and Marty Hale

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