The Middle Ages – The Dark Ages – Medieval Ages

476 AD – 1300 AD

We use Tapestry of Grace and Story of the World in our history studies. We use them both equally, neither one supplements the other. We have modified Tapestry of Grace to suit our needs. We have the kindle version of Story of the World on the iPad and we listen to Story of the World audiobook while we drive to and from town. I love this audiobook. We also use Homeschool in the Woods History of the World Timeline to keep us in line.

The Story of the World, Volume 2

Ch 5: The medieval Indian Empire; a king named Skandagupta, monks in caves

Ch 12: The Islamic Invasion; Islam in Spain and Africa

Ch 13: The Great Kings of France; Charles the Hammer, the greatest king: Charlemagne

Ch 15: The First Kings of England; the Vikings invade England, Alfred the Great, the battle of Hastings

Ch 16: England After the Conquest; the English language, serfs and noblemen, stone castles

Ch 20: The Diaspora; the scattering of the Jews, a tale of the diaspora/ the clever rabbi of Cordova

CURRICULUM: Tapestry of Grace







CURRICULUM: The Story of The World

READ ALOUD: The Usborne Internet-Linked Medieval World by Jane Bingham (BCL)

READ ALOUD: The Middle Ages by Jane Shuter

VIDEO: History Channel: The Dark Ages

When we start any history lesson, we set the stage for the people and the purpose of the time. We study the religion and spirituality, the geography, and the architecture of the time. By doing this, we define the culture and the driving force behind events that take place. Once the religion and spirituality of the people is understood and the natural landscape is defined, we turn to the man-made landscape; the architecture and structures of the Middle Ages.



Roman Catholicism




We use a large laminated world map and dry erase markers to review all previous time periods leading up to the Middle Ages. We define the area of study and learn any new terminology that will be useful in understanding the time period. We learn any new major landforms, bodies of water, empires, countries, cities, routes, and modes of travel.


Cruck Houses

– Wattle & Daub

– Thatch







Post & Beam Construction


The Early Middle Ages (410-999 AD)

CURRICULUM: Tapestry of Grace: Year 2, Unit 1, Week 1:

Twilight of the Western Roman Empire

CURRICULUM: The Story of the World, Volume 2. Ch 1:

The glory that was Rome; wandering through the Roman Empire, the fall of Rome

CURRICULUM: The Story of the World, Volume 2, Ch 2:

-The early days of Britain

-The Celts of Britain

-Barbarians come to Britain

MAJOR EVENT: Barbarian Invasion (400-800 AD)

GEOGRAPHY: Scandinavia (Denmark Norway, Sweden), Germany, Gaul (France), Baltic Sea

PEOPLE: Germancic Tribes: Goths, Visigoths, Ostrogoths, Vandals, Alans, Huns, Angles, Saxons, Franks

READ ALOUD: Barbarians! by Steven Kroll

Alaric I, King of the Visigoths (370-410 AD) – sacked Rome

Genseric aka Gaiseric; King of Vandals and Alans (389-477 AD)

Atilla the Hun (406-453 AD)

VIDEO: Decisive Battles: Attilla the Hun

READ ALOUD: Atilla the Hun: Leader of the Barbarian Hordes

MOVIE: Atilla (2001)

DISEASE: Small Pox and Measles


CURRICULUM: The Story of the World, Volume 2, Ch 5:
– The medieval Indian Empire
– A king named Skandagupta
– Monks in caves

Skandagupta (died 467)


MAJOR EVENT: Fall of the Western Roman Empire (476 AD)

GEOGRAPHY: Western Roman Empire & Rome

GEOGRAPHY: Eastern Roman Empire aka Byzantine Empire & Constantinople aka Byzantium

GEOGRAPHY: Mediterranean Sea

GEOGRAPHY: Byzantine Empire (285-1453 AD)

ART: Byzantine Art

– Embroidery

Ivory Carving

Tesserae Mosiac

– Religious Portraits aka Icons

Emperor Zeno (425-491 AD; reigned 474-475 AD & 476-491 AD)

CURRICULUM: Tapestry of Grace – Year 2, Unit 1, Week 2:

Byzantine Empire & the Eastern Orthodox Church


St. Patrick (c.430-490 AD)


CURRICULUM: The Story of the World, Volume 2, Ch 2:

-The early days of Britain

-The Celts of Britain

-Barbarians come to Britain

GEOGRAPHY: Great Britain (England, Scotland, Wales)

PEOPLE: Saxons vs. Celts

PLACE: Hadrian’s Wall (122-128 AD)

King Arthur (465-542 AD)

GEOGRAPHY: Sarmatia (Ukraine, Southern Russia, Moldova)

PEOPLE: Sarmatian Slave Knights

Arthurian Legend


-Knights of the Round Table

-Sir Lancelot

-Sir Galahad

-Sir Perceval

-Holy Grail




AUDIOBOOK: The Story of King Arthur and His Knights by Howard Pyle







READ ALOUD: The Illustrated Book of Myths: Tales & Legends of the World

The Sword in the Stone (Celtic); pg 86

The Holy Grail (Celtic); pg 89

The Death of King Arthur (Celtic); pg 156

READ ALOUD: Time Warp Trio: Knights of the Kitchen Table by Jon Scieszka

MOVIE: Disney’s The Sword in the Stone

MOVIE: The Last Legion

MOVIE: King Arthur


CURRICULUM: The Story of the World, Volume 2, Ch 11:

The Kingdom of the Franks; Clovis, the ex-barbarian, four tribes, one empire

GEOGRAPHY: Gaul (France, Luxembourg, Belgium, Switzerland, Northern Italy, Netherlands, Germany)

GEOGRAPHY: Rhine River Valley


Merovingian Dynasty


Clovis I; 1st King of Franks (466-511 AD; reigned from 481-511 AD)

Clotilde (475-545 AD)

VIDEO: History Channel: Clovis Unites Gaul

VIDEO: History Channel: The Rule of Clovis

VIDEO: History Channel: King Clovis of Gaul

READ ALOUD: Clovis, King of the Franks by Earle Rice, Jr.

Fleur de Lis Origins

The Legend of Clovis I and the Fleur de Lis

ART: Make Fleur de Lis solidus ‘coins’ with clay, stamp, and metallic paint

We used the following supplies…

Crayola Model Magic


CURRICULUM: The Story of the World, Volume 2, Ch 4:

The Byzantine Empire; the beauty of Constantinople, Justinian, the just emperor, the empress Theodora, the church in the east

Justinian (483 – 565 AD; reigned 527 – 565 AD)

Theodora (508-548 AD)

ART: Tesserae Mosaic of Justinian

ART: Tesserae Mosaic of Theodora

Plague of Justinian aka bubonic plague (541–542 AD)


CURRICULUM: The Story of the World, Volume 2, Ch 3:

-Medieval monasteries

Monks and Priors and Abbots

St. Benedict of Nursia (480-543 AD)

Rule of Saint Benedict

READ ALOUD: The Holy Twins: Benedict and Scholastica by Kathleen Norris

VIDEO: Terry Jones’ Medieval Lives: The Monk

ARCHITECTURE: Monastery, Abbey, Basilica

ARCHITECTURE: Montecassino aka Monte Cassino (529 AD)

VIDEO: Tour of Monte Cassino

ART: Color pencil an architectural elevation of Monte Cassino

MUSIC: Chanting is a sacred song of the Roman Catholic Church and is significant in Medieval music. Listen to chants of the Benedictine Monks of Santo Domingo de Silos.


ARCHITECTURE: Basilica, Mosque

ARCHITECTURE: Haggia Sophia aka Saint Sophia (537 AD)

ART: Watercolor an architectural elevation of Haggia Sophia


CURRICULUM: The Story of the World, Volume 2, Ch 3:

-Writing books by hand

GEOGRAPHY: Ireland, Scotland

Saint Columba aka Saint Columcille (521-597 AD)

READ ALOUD: Stories of the Saints By Joyce Denham

READ ALOUD: Across a Dark and Wild Sea by Don Brown

READ ALOUD: The Man Who Loved Books by Jean Fritz

GEOGRAPHY: Loch Ness, Scotland, Scottish Highlands

The Legend of Saint Columcille (Columba) and the Loch Ness Monster (565 AD): Earliest report of the Loch Ness Monster

Early Bookmaking and Manuscripts and Quill Pens

VIDEO: Making Manuscripts

VIDEO: Structure of a Medieval Manuscript

VIDEO: Making A Medieval Feather Pen

We made our own feather pens following the steps in Across a Dark and Wild Sea by Don Brown and practiced writing the Uncial alphabet.

Here is a nice goose quill pen set, no crafting required.



CURRICULUM: The Story of the World, Volume 2, Ch 2:

– Beowulf the Hero

GEOGRAPHY: Scandinavia (Denmark, Norway, Sweden), Great Britain (England, Scotland, Wales)

PEOPLE: Germanic Tribes: Geats, Danes, Anglo-Saxons

Epic of Beowulf (unknown, 500-1000 AD)

-written about the Geats by Anglo-Saxons

READ ALOUD: The Illustrated Book of Myths: Tales & Legends of the World

Beowulf (Anglo-Saxon); pg 106

MOVIE: Beowulf

MOVIE: Beowulf & Grendel


CURRICULUM: Tapestry of Grace – Year 2, Unit 1, Week 3:

Byzantine Empire & Rise of Islam

CURRICULUM: The Story of the World, Volume 2, Ch 6:

– The Rise of Islam

– Muhammad’s Vision

– Muhammad flees to Medina

– The Koran: Islam’s holy book

CURRICULUM: The Story of the World, Volume 2, Ch 7:

– Islam Becomes an Empire

– The fight for Mecca

– The spread of Islam

GEOGRAPHY: Mecca, Saudi Arabia

MOVIE: National Geographic: Inside Mecca

Muhammad (570-632 AD)


Abu Bakr (573-634 AD)

Quran aka Koran

The Hijra aka Hegira: Mecca to Medina (622 AD)


GEOGRAPHY: Medina, Saudi Arabia

Ali (600-661 A.D.)

Fatimah (616-633 A.D.)

Moors (Medieval Muslims of Arab or African descent)

GEOGRAPHY: Morocco, Algeria, Sahara, Mauritania, Iberian Peninsula, Sicily, and Malta



Prince Shotoku aka Prince Umayado (572-622 A.D.)


Sui Dynasty (581 or 589-618 AD)

PLACE: Grand Canal of China (completed 581-618 AD)


CURRICULUM: The Story of the World, Volume 2, Ch 3:

-Christianity comes to Britain

-Augustine comes to England

Pope Gregory I aka Gregory the Great (540-604 AD; pope 590-604)

GEOGRAPHY: Canterbury, England

Augustine of Canterbury (c. early 6th C.–604 AD; archbishop 597-604 AD)

-“Apostle to the English”

Gregorian Mission: Covert Anglo-Saxon Pagans to Christianity (595-635 AD)

King Ethelberht (560-616 AD) and Queen Bertha (539-612 AD)


CURRICULUM: The Story of the World, Volume 2, Ch 8:
– The Great Dynasties of China
– Yang Chien unites north and south
– The Tang dynasty

T’ang Dynasty (618–907 AD)

CURRICULUM: The Story of the World, Volume 2, Ch 9:
– East of China
– The Yamato dynasty of Japan
– A tale of three countries: Korea, China, and Japan

READ ALOUD: The Funny Little Woman by Arlene Mosel (APL)


CURRICULUM: The Story of the World, Volume 2, Ch 10:
– The Bottom of the World
– The first people of Australia
– The long journey of the Maori


The Silk Road / The Silk Route



Legend of Scheherezade
– storytelling
– hooks and cliffhangers

LITERATURE: One Thousand and One Nights aka Arabian Nights (possible c. 9th c.-unknown)

CURRICULUM: The Story of the World, Volume 2, Ch 7:
– Sinbad in the Valley of Snakes

AUDIOBOOK: Arabian Nights translated by Richard Frances Burton
– Ali Baba
– Aladdin
– Sinbad

MOVIE: Arabian Nights

MOVIE: Disney’s Aladdin

MOVIE: Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas (2003)
MOVIE: Sinbad and the Minotaur (2011)
MOVIE: Sinbad: The Fifth Voyage (2011)
TV SHOW: Sinabad

MUSIC: Rimsky-Korsakov: Scheherazade, Op. 35

INTERESTING FACT: Arabic Numerals (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)


MOVIE: The Arabian Horse: A Gift from the Desert

ART: Sketch an Arabian Horse
Draw 50 Horses: The Step-by-Step Way to Draw Broncos, Arabians, Thoroughbreds, Dancers, Prancers, and Many More… (APL)


Empress Wu Zetian (625-705 A.D.)

The Arab-Muslim Sweep (633-732 A.D.)

Cuthbert (634-687 A.D.)

Muslims capture Damascus (635 AD)

Muslims capture Jerusalem (638 AD)

Umayyad Dynasty (661-750 A.D.)

Muslims capture Constantinople (674-678 AD)


ART: Stained Glass (earliest reference 675 AD)

ART: EuroLights: Stained Glass Coloring Book

LIFE SKILLS: Bake Stained Glass Cookies.

FIELD TRIP: View the famous stain glass windows at Gethsemane Lutheran Church.


Bede (673-735 AD) – Benedictine Monk, ‘The Father of English History’

Boniface (675-754 A.D.)

John Damascene (676-749 A.D.)

Charles Martel (688-741 A.D.)

al-Mansur (712-775 A.D.)

Pippin (Pepin) III (715-768 A.D.)

Emperor Leo III (717-741 A.D.)

Alcuin (735-804 A.D.)


Charlemagne (742-814 AD)

CURRICULUM: Tapestry of Grace – Year 2, Unit 1, Week 4:

The Making of Medieval Europe: Charlemagne



CURRICULUM: Tapestry of Grace – Year 2, Unit 1, Week 6:

Medieval Life: Feudalism



-Knights and Samurai

-The English code of chivalry

-The Samurai: Japanese knights


“Since it is so likely that children will meet cruel enemies, let them at least have heard of brave knights and heroic courage.” ― C.S. Lewis

Coat of Arms

I really like books by Gail Gibbons. Here is one about knights.

READ ALOUD: Knights in Shining Armor by Gail Gibbons

READ ALOUD: Eyewitness Books: Knight by Christopher Gravett (LTL)

READ ALOUD: Armor by Catriona Clarke (LTL)

READ ALOUD: The Sword in the Tree by Clyde Robery Bulla (HL)

READ ALOUD: The Knight in Rusty Armor by Robert Fisher (HL)

READER: Medieval Knights by Jim Whiting (BCL)

This is a great place to study Ephesians 6 and remind your child that they are great knights and mighty warriors for God and that God has provided them with the necessary armor to fight the good fight.

Full Armor of God


If you have a little girl, like I do, then do not forget respectable, brave and strong princesses…


READ ALOUD: The Paper Bag Princess by Robert Munsch


ARCHITECTURE: Castles (originated 9c.)

I LOVE books by Stephen Biesty. This is my favorite castle book. If you only read one, this is the one. This book is exploding at the binding with lots of great information. If you are reading to younger children, you will need to skip some of the more gruesome details of castle life.

READ ALOUD: Stephen Biesty’s Cross-Sections: Castle by Stephen Biesty

I enjoy books by David MacAulay and I loved these three books on castles. We enjoyed learning the terminology and they are filled with lots of great information. I found a PBS video that goes with these books on YouTube.

READ ALOUD: Castle by David MacAulay

READ ALOUD: Built to Last: Castle, Cathedral, Mosque by David MacAuley; pgs 13-92

READER: Castle: How It Works by David MacAulay

VIDEO: Castle by David Macaulay

PBS Castle by David Macaulay








Though a little coarse and crass, this is a humorous and fun book to read with lots a great vocabulary.

POETRY: Come to the Castle by Linda Ashman

Additional Resources:

READ ALOUD: Castle Diary: The Journal of Tobias Burgess by Richard Platt

READ ALOUD: A Year in a Castle by Rachel Coombs

READ ALOUD: Castel by Stuan Reid

READER: Castles by Stephanie Turnbull

CRAFT: Usborne Cut-Out Models: Make This Medieval Castle

ART LESSON: We drew castle’s on dark cardstock with chalk pastels. They turned out really neat.

Keva Planks Structures

KEVA Planks Contraptions

KEVA Catapult

KEVA Trebuchet

T.S. Shure ArchiQuest Kings and Castles: Medieval Europe

I love Kathy Kruse Dollhouse Dolls for all types of imaginative play.

People of the Castle:

VIDEO: Terry Jones’ Medieval Lives

– The Peasant

– The Monk

– The Damsel

– The Minstrel

– The Knight

– The Philosopher (Alchemist)

– The Outlaw

– The King


ART: Make signet rings with clay, stamp, and metallic paint

We use the following individual products…


ART: Wax Seal Stamp (prevealent use in 9 c.-10th c. AD)

This is a fun wax seal stamp kit.

We use the following products…


Abbassid Dynasty (750-1258 A.D.) – Golden Age of Islam – Scholars

Harun al-Rashid (763-809 A.D.)


The Iconoclast Controversy (8th-9th century A.D.)


Book of Kells (800 A.D.)

MOVIE: Secret of Kells


Empress Irene (Died 802 A.D.)

Pope Leo III (Died 816 A.D.)

Pope Nicholas I (825-867 A.D.)

Methodius (826-885 A.D.)

Cyril (827-869 A.D.)

Egbert the Saxon (Died 839 A.D.)


Viking Age & Viking Invasions (793-1066 AD)

CURRICULUM: Tapestry of Grace – Year 2, Unit 1, Week 5:

Developments During the Viking Age


-The Arrival of the Norsemen

-The Viking Invasion

-Eric the Red and “Eric’s Son”

-The Norse gods

-Thor and the giant king

READ ALOUD: The Viking World by Philippa Wingate and Anne Millard


READ ALOUD: The Illustrated Book of Myths: Tales & Legends of the World

Out of the Ice (Norse); pg 18

The Tree of Life (Norse); pg 62

Vainamoinen (Finnish); pg 54

Loki the Trickster (Norse); pg 64

The Apples of Youth (Norse); pg 72

Thor in the Land of Giants (Norse); pg 106

The Death of Balder (Norse); pg 162

Ragnarok (Norse); pg 174

READ ALOUD: D’Aulaire’s Book of Norse Myths

Alfred the Great (849-899 AD)

Earliest known printed book in China (868 AD)

Iceland (874 A.D.)

Henry The Fowler (Henry I) (875-936 A.D.)

READ ALOUD: The Illustrated Book of Myths: Tales & Legends of the World

Taliesin (Welsh); pg 114


The Maori (c. 900 A.D.)

Great Zimbabwe (900-1100 A.D.)

William the Pious (900s A.D.)

Otto I (912-973 A.D.)

Rollo Dunstan (924-988 A.D.)

Wenceslaus (929 A.D.)

Hugh Capet (940-996 A.D.)

Vladimir of Kiev (956-1015 A.D.)

Song Dynasty (960-1279 A.D.)

Holy Roman Empire (962-1806 AD)


Saint Simon and the Coptic Orthodox Church (979 A.D.)

Erik the Red (985 AD)

Canute (994-1035 A.D.)




The High Middle Ages (1000-1299 AD)

CURRICULUM: Tapestry of Grace – Year 2, Unit 1, Week 7:

The High Middle Ages

Leif Ericson (970-1020 AD)

Another great book by Stephen Biesty loaded with careful detail and fun fold out pages and maps!

READ ALOUD: Into The Unknown: How the Explorers Found Their Way by Land, Sea, and Air by Stephen Biesty; pages 18-23

READ ALOUD: Leif the Lucky

READ ALOUD: Time Warp Trio: Viking It and Liking It by Jon Scieszka


Edward I (Edward the Confessor) (1003-1066 AD)

Macbeth (c. 1005 -1057 AD)

Sweyn Forkbeard (Died 1014 AD)

Tale of Genji – the first novel (1021 AD)

William I (1027-1087 AD)

Anselm (1033-1109 AD)

Harold I (Died 1040 AD)

Urban II (1042-1099 AD)

El Cid (1043-1099 AD)

Peter the Hermit (1050-1115 AD)

East-West Schism of 1054 (1054 AD)

Godfrey of Bouillon (1061-1100 AD)

Battle of Hastings (1066 AD)

Henry IV & Pope Gregory VII (1070s AD)

Peter Abelard (1079-1142 AD)

Bernard of Clairvaux (1090-1153 AD)


Hildegard von Bingen (1098 – 1179 AD)
ART: Listen to the compositions of Hildegard von Bingen
VIDEO: Hildegard von Bingen



The Age of Crusades; a command from the Pope, recapturing Jerusalem, Saladin of Jerusalem, El Cid and the “reconquest of Spain”

The First Crusade (1099 AD)

The Knights Templar founded (1118 AD)

The Second Crusade (1147-1149 AD)

MOVIE: History Channel: The Crusades – Crescent & The Cross

Holy War: The Crusades


Thomas Becket (1118-1170 A.D.)

Eleanor of Aquitaine (1122-1204 A.D.)

Frederick I (Frederick Barbarossa) (1123-1190 A.D.)

Henry II (Henry of Anjou) (1133-1189 A.D.)

Moses Maimonides (1135-1204 A.D.)

Peter Waldo (12th century AD)



-A New Kind of King; Richard the Lionhearted

-John Lackland and the Magna Carta

-Robin Hood/ Robin Hood and the butcher

Richard I aka Richard the Lionheart (1157-1199 AD; reigned 1189-1199 AD)

The Legend of Robin Hood

The Real Robin Hood (c. 12th-13th century AD) or (1160-1247 AD)

AUDIOBOOK: The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood by Howard Pyle

MOVIE: Robin Hood

King John Lackland of England (1166-1216 AD, reigned 1199-1216 AD)

Magna Carta (1215 AD)

READ ALOUD: The Magna Charta by James Daugherty



Pope Innocent III (1161-1216 A.D.)

ARCHITECTURE: Notre Dame de Paris (1163 AD)

Philip II (Philip Augustus) (1165-1223 A.D.)

Saint Dominic (1170-1221 A.D.)


Francis of Assisi (1182-1226 AD)

READ ALOUD: Stories of the Saints By Joyce Denham


ARCHITECTURE: Windmills (1185 AD)


Saladin (1137-1193 AD; reigned 1171-1193)

MOVIE: Kingdom of Heaven (setting 1184)

The Third Crusade (1189-1192 AD)

The Fourth Crusade (1202 AD)


The Shoguns of Japan (1192-1867 A.D.)

Frederick II (1194-1250 AD)


CURRICULUM: Tapestry of Grace – Year 2, Unit 1, Week 8:

The Mongols, Marco Polo, and the Far East


The Mongols Devastate the East; Genghis Kan, emperor of all men, the Mongol conquest of China

GEOGRAPHY: Mongol Empire (1206 – AD)

Genghis Khan (1162-1227 AD)

MOVIE: Mongol: The Rise of Genghis Khan (R)

Kublai Khan (1215-1294 A.D.)

Mongol Invasions (13th century AD)


Children’s Crusade (1212 A.D.)

Louis IX (1214-1270 A.D.)

Roger Bacon (1214-1292 A.D.)


The Inca Civilization (1220 A.D.)


Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274 A.D.)


The Inquisition (1227-1834 A.D.)


Boniface VIII (1235-1303 A.D.)

Edward I (1239-1307 A.D.)



READ ALOUD: Built to Last: Castle, Cathedral, Mosque by David MacAuley; pgs 93-172




Late Middle Ages (1300- AD)

CURRICULUM: Tapestry of Grace – Year 2, Unit 1, Week 8:

The Mongols, Marco Polo, and the Far East


Exploring the Mysterious East; Marco Polo goes to China, the forbidden city of the Ming

Marco Polo (1254-1324 AD)

Another great book by Stephen Biesty loaded with careful detail and fun fold out pages and maps!

READ ALOUD: Into The Unknown: How the Explorers Found Their Way by Land, Sea, and Air by Stephen Biesty; pages 24-29

READ ALOUD: Time Warp Trio: Marco? Polo! by Jon Scieszka


Philip IV (Philip the Fair) (1268-1314 AD)

AUDIOBOOK: Adam of the Road by Elizabeth Janet Gray

William Wallace (1272-1305 AD)

MOVIE: Braveheart

Robert I (Robert the Bruce) (1274-1329 AD)

Babylonian Captivity of the Papacy (1305-1377 AD)

Giotto and Scrovegni Chapel in Padua (1305 AD)


Dante Alighieri (1265-1321 AD)

Divine Comedy By Dante Alighieri (1308 AD)


Edward III (reigned 1312-1317 AD)

AUDIOBOOK: A Door in the Wall by Marguerite De Angeli

AUDIOBOOK: Crispin: The Cross of Lead by Avi

Urban VI (1318-1389 AD)

Tenochtitlan (c. 1325 AD)

John Wycliffe (1328-1384 AD)

Edward the Black Prince (1330-1376 AD)

Tamerlane (1336-1405 AD)

CURRICULUM: Tapestry of Grace – Year 2, Unit 1, Week 9:

The Reshaping of Medieval Europe

CURRICULUM: Tapestry of Grace – Year 2, Unit 1, Week 10:

Early Lights of the Reformation


Hundred Years War (1337-1453 AD)

Geoffrey Chaucer and The Canterbury Tales (c. 1340-1400 AD)

Canterbury Tales were written during the Hundred Years War

READ ALOUD: Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales by Marcia Williams

READ ALOUD: Chanticleer and the Fox

AUDIOBOOK: The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer


ART: Frescoes (Late Middle Ages)



READ ALOUD: Archers, Alchemists, and 98 Other Medieval Jobs You Might Have Loved or Loathed (BCL)

READ ALOUD: Good Masters! Sweet Ladies!: Voices from a Medieval Village by Laura Amy Schlitz

AUDIOBOOK: Good Masters! Sweet Ladies!: Voices from a Medieval Village by Laura Amy Schlitz

Medieval Diseases and Illness and Cures

Pneumonia, Dysentery, Typhoid, Influenza, Small Pox

Measles, Leprosy, Bubonic Plague (Black Death)

The Four Thieves Legend (Purchase Thieves Essential Oil)

VIDEO: The History Channel: The Plague

Food, music, dancing, Jousting, Falconry



Fox and Geese

I found this neatly crafted Fox & Geese game on ebay. This version is not readily available. Had I not found it, I would have turned to crafting the leather version.

Fox & Geese Game




I think that this is a great idea for a craft project.

Fox & Geese Game Leather





The Game of Goose

I think this is really cool technology…Game of Goose

Medieval Board Games

Though not a historical game, we love to play The Settlers of Catan, Catan Seafarers, Catan Cities & Knights, Catan Traders & Barbarians, and Catan Explorers & Pirates


We will celebrate with a medieval feast and jousting tournament at Medieval Times Dinner & Tournament Dallas Castle in Dallas, TX and an outing to Sherwood Forest Faire in McDade, TX.

READ ALOUD: A Medieval Feast by Aliki

Supporting Literature

Good Reads – Middle Ages


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