Robert Frost

Robert Frost Poetry Study

To start our study of Robert Frost, we read a lovely biography about this great poet. It’s called Papa is a Poet: A Story About Robert Frost by Natalie S. Bober and illustrated by Rebecca Gibbon. The story is told from his eldest daughter’s voice.  Both the story and the illustrations are endearing, captivating, and thoughtful to my small audience.

Poetry Foundation is a great resource for poetry study.  We read and listened to (when audio versions are available) many poems by Robert Frost.  Poetry Foundation designates certain poems as ‘for children’ which makes it easy to pick selections for younger kids.  But, please don’t limit your choices by the designation, as many are worth reading to young children.  Here are a few to get started:

The Road Not Taken

Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening

After reading the biography and several poem selections, the children added a small selection to their poetry notebooks, as copy work exercise:

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Then, they added illustrations similar to the ones in the book by illustrator, Rebbeca Gibbon.  Her style is beautiful and the children enjoyed following the simplicity of her example.

The Perissos Life Papa is a PoetThe Perissos Life Papa is a PoetThe Perissos Life Papa is a Poet

Their notebook pages turned out beautifully and they were very proud of their work!Other book selections worth checking out are:

I like to have follow up books available to my children; within reach and ready for them to grab and sit on the couch to read during down time.  Other book selections worth checking out are:

Poetry for Young People:  Robert Frost by Robert Frost

Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening by Robert Frost, illustrated by Susan Jeffers

Live the Perissos Life!


Jennifer Hale and Marty Hale


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